I have been foraying a bit into belief revision theory and formal epistemology recently, and that has ended up at me having to explore some universal algebra and combinatorics. I'll cut straight to the mathematical content of my question.
Let $B$ be a non-free Boolean algebra with $n$ generators. How could I think about counting the number of nontrivial Boolean algebra homomorphisms $\phi : B \rightarrow \mathrm{F}_n$, where $\mathrm{F}_n$ is the free Boolean algebra with $n$ generators? Is there a general method that I could apply here? I was thinking that perhaps I could consider homomorphisms from Boolean algebras within particular equational classes and start trying to compute some of those examples before generalizing.
I'd ideally like to generalize this to other types of structures to i.e from arbitrary Heyting algebras to the free Heyting algebra, but I figure starting with Boolean algebras is a good path.