Let $\displaystyle A: c \rightarrow c, (Ax)(n) = \frac{x(n+2)}{n^2}$. The task is to find point spectrum, continuous spectrum, and residual spectrum of $A$ and of adjoint operator $A^*$.
$c$ is Banach space, so $\sigma(A) = \sigma(A^*)$. It is easy to see that $\Vert A\Vert = 1 \Rightarrow \sigma(A^*)=\sigma(A) \subseteq\{\lambda:|\lambda| \le 1\}$.
Attempt to find point spectrum gives $Ax=\lambda x \Rightarrow x(2k+2) = ((2k)!!)^2\lambda^kx(2)$ and we have similar formula for $x(2k+1)$. $(2k)!!$ grows fast, which implies $\lambda = 0$. Besides, $A(\{1,0,0,...\}) = 0 \Rightarrow \sigma_p(A) = \{0\}$.
$\displaystyle(A^*y)(k) = \frac{y(k-2)}{(k-2)^2} \text{ for } k\ge3; (A^*y)(1) = (A^*y)(2) =0$. Thus, $\text{Ker}A^*_\lambda = \{0\}\ \forall \lambda\in\mathbb{C} \Rightarrow \sigma_p(A^*) =\varnothing$. Moreover, closure of $\text{Im}A_\lambda$ is $^\perp(\text{Ker}A^*_\lambda) = ^\perp\{0\} = c$ and it gives $\sigma_r(A)=\varnothing$.
Bit I don't now how to find $\sigma_c(A), \sigma_c(A^*), \sigma_r(A^*)$. Didn't I make any mistakes?