The Cramér random model for the primes is a random subset ${{\mathcal P}}$ of the natural numbers with ${1 \not \in {\mathcal P}}, {2 \in {\mathcal P}}$, and the events ${n \in {\mathcal P}}$ for ${n=3,4,\dots}$ being jointly independent with ${{\bf P}(n \in {\mathcal P}) = \frac{1}{\log n}}$.
(Probabilistic Goldbach conjecture) Show that almost surely, all but finitely many natural numbers ${n}$ are expressible as the sum of two elements of ${{\mathcal P}}$.
Question: Consider the r.v $S_x := \sum_{3 \leq n \leq x} 1_{\mathcal{P}}(n)1_{\mathcal{P}}(x-n)$, which we interpret as the number of ways $x$ (taken to be a natural number) is expressible as the sum of two Cramér random model primes, scaled by a factor of two. One can deduce as in this paper that ${\bf E}S_x \sim x / \log^2 x$, thus it seems natural to show a strong concentration of the quantity $S_x$ around its mean (which tends to infinity). However, without using Chernoff bounds, I'm not clear about how to establish this (having tried to calculate the $k$th moment ${\bf E}(S_x - {\bf E}S_x)^k$ for $k = 2, 4, etc$. Or should one use the Borel-Cantelli lemma to show that ${\bf P}(S_x = 0)$ is summable in $x$?
Edit: An attempted solution by the moment method is posted below, verification are welcomed.