Let $G=SL(2)$ the Lie group of real $2\times 2$ matrices with determinant equal to $1$ and let $\mathbb{H}$ be the Poincaré half-plane defined by $\mathbb{H}=\{z\in\mathbb{C},\ \mathrm{Im}(z) > 0\}$. The action of $SL(2)$ on $\mathbb{H}$ is given by $$\begin{pmatrix}a&b\\ c&d\end{pmatrix} \cdot z = \frac{az+b}{cz+d}.$$
Is the action of $SL(2)$ on $\mathbb{H}$ a proper action?
The isotropy group $G_i$ of the point $i$ under the action of $SL(2)$ on $\mathbb{H}$ is equal to the orthogonal group $H=SO(2)$. The action is transitive since the orbit of $i$ is the entire space $\mathbb{H}$. Therefore, all the isotropy groups are conjugate to $SO(2)$ and hence compacts.
Does the compactness of the isotropy groups imply that the action of $G$ on $G/H$ by left multiplication is proper?
If $K$ is a compact subset of $G/H$, is $G_K=\{g\in G,\ gK\cap K\neq\varnothing\}$ a compact subset of $G$?