
$\newcommand{\O}{\mathscr O}$$\newcommand{\Spec}{\operatorname{Spec}}$$\newcommand{\V}{\mathbb V}$ Ok, I have been through the ringer with this problem today and I think I am finally on the right track, but for some reason proving this has been more difficult than anticipated.

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a closed embedding of schemes, by which I mean the topological map $f$ is a homeomorphism onto a closed subset of $Y$, and $f^\sharp:\O_Y\rightarrow f_*\O_X$ is a surjective morphism of sheafs. I am trying to show that if $U=\Spec A\subset Y$ is affine then $f^{-1}(U)\cong \Spec A/I$ for some $I\subset A$.

Let $I_{X/Y}$ be the sheaf of ideals on $Y$ given by $I_{X/Y}=\ker f^\sharp$. If $U=\Spec A\subset Y$ is affine, then $I_{X/Y}(U)$ is an ideal $I\subset A$. If we let $V=f^{-1}(U)$ then we obtain a morphism of schemes $f|_V:V\rightarrow U$ which must be a closed embedding of schemes as $f|_V$ is a homeomorphism onto $U\cap f(X)$ and the surjection property is inherently local. Now a priori, we don't know that $V$ is affine, but we do now that every morphism from a general scheme to an affine one is induced by the morphism on its ring of global sections. In particular, if $\psi:A\rightarrow \O_V(V)$ is our short hand for the morphism $(f|_V)^\sharp_U$, then the topological map $f|_V$ is given by: $$f|_V(x)=\psi^{-1}(\pi^{-1}_x(\mathfrak m_x))$$ where $\pi_x$ is the ring homomorphism $\O_V(V)\rightarrow( \O_V)_x$ and $\mathfrak m_x\subset (\O_V)_x$ is the unique maximal ideal of the stalk. It is then clear that $f|_V$ has image in $\V(I)\subset \Spec A=U$ as $I=\ker\psi$ and $0\in \mathfrak m_x$ so $\psi^{-1}(0)=\ker\psi=I\subset f|_V(x)$.

Where my trouble is is showing that $\V(I)\subset f|_V(V)$. In particular, I think this where I should invoke the surjectivity of $(f_V)^\sharp_{\mathfrak p}$ but I am not sure how...given a prime ideal such that $I\subset \mathfrak p$ I need to find an $x\in V$ such that $f|_V(x)=\mathfrak p$ but I am not sure how to do this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated; once I can show this homeomorphism I think I will be golden because I have an idea for how to construct the sheaf isomorphism to $\O_{\Spec A/I}$.

  • $\begingroup$ It's equivalent and easier to work with $Y$ being affine right off the bat $\endgroup$
    – FShrike
    Commented May 2 at 0:14
  • $\begingroup$ @FShrike Sure, but it doesn't really change where I'm having issue as I reduced to that case quickly $\endgroup$
    – Chris
    Commented May 2 at 0:16
  • $\begingroup$ You can also say $Z$ is isomorphic as a ringed space to the ringed space $(V(\ker f\#),O/\ker f\#)$ and then it just has to be argued this is an affine scheme of the expected form. Iirc there's some subtlety with closed subsets not having a unique subscheme structure and needing to take radicals and reductions everywhere $\endgroup$
    – FShrike
    Commented May 2 at 0:18
  • $\begingroup$ @FShrike that is harder to prove as you actually need $i^{-1}O/\ker f^\sharp$ otherwise your sheaf is on the wrong topological space. $\endgroup$
    – Chris
    Commented May 2 at 0:22
  • $\begingroup$ Ok I've made an answer, I've tried to align it with your ideas and highlight the main points. Hopefully it is more helpful; I did not just copy this from an alg. geo textbook :) $\endgroup$
    – FShrike
    Commented May 2 at 10:11

1 Answer 1


$\newcommand{\spec}{\operatorname{Spec}}\newcommand{\O}{\mathscr{O}}\newcommand{\V}{\mathbb{V}}\newcommand{\J}{\mathcal{J}}\newcommand{\I}{\mathcal{I}}$Seeing what you want to see unfortunately involves a slightly subtle point where we require $Z$ to be a scheme and use an affine basis. We can't argue purely with the theory of locally ringed spaces. I go about it slightly differently, determining $Z$ as the support $\V(\J)$ of an appropriate sheaf and viewing the calculation $\J=\ker\varphi$ as the main point; I think it is harder to first define $\J=\ker\varphi$ and then try to compute that $\V(\J)=Z$ and identify $\O_Z$ with the quotient by $\J$.

If $\iota:(Z;\O_Z)\hookrightarrow(X;\O_X)$ is a closed immersion of schemes we know $\J=\ker\iota^\#$ is the important thing and - which seems to be the part you didn't get yet - $\V(\J)=Z$, by the general nonsense at the bottom. Suppose $X$ is affine. Using your nice idea about the spec-global adjunction (valid for locally ringed spaces in general) we can write $\iota$ as the composite: $$\iota:Z\overset{\eta}{\longrightarrow}\spec B\overset{\spec\varphi}{\longrightarrow}\spec A$$Where $A:=\O_X(X),B:=\O_Z(Z)$, $\varphi=\iota^\#_X$ and $\eta$ is the adjunction unit.

We would love to say $\J$ is isomorphic with the sheaf of ideals associated to $\ker\varphi:=\I$. Then $\V(\J)=\V(\I)\cong\spec A/\I$ (using two 'different' notions of $\V$ and $\cong$ is a homeomorphism of spaces) and under this homeomorphism we could easily identify $j^\ast(\O_X/\J)\cong\O_{\spec A/\I}$ since localisation of rings commutes with quotients. Thus $Z\cong\spec A/\I$ as a scheme, underneath $X$, would follow as desired. Make sure you can check $\V(\widetilde{\I})$ - in the sense of the vanishing set of a sheaf of ideals, defined in the bottom section - really is equal to $\V(\I)=\{\mathfrak{p}\in\spec A:\mathfrak{p}\supseteq\I\}$.

To determine $\J\cong\widetilde{\I}$ we just need to check (using the nature of $\eta,\spec\varphi$) that $\I_f$ is the kernel of $A_f\to B_{\varphi(f)}=\O_Z(Z)_{\varphi(f)}\to\O_Z(Z_{\varphi(f)})$ for all $f\in A$. This is $\iota^\#=\eta^\#(\spec\varphi)^\#$'s action on the principal affine open $D(f)$. The exact sequence of $A$-modules $0\to\I\to A\to B$ certainly tells you after localisation that $\I_f$ is the kernel of $A_f\to B_{\varphi(f)}$; thus, the game is to determine that $\O_Z(Z)_{\varphi(f)}\to\O_Z(Z_{\varphi(f)})$ is necessarily injective.

Well, it sure would be an injective map (isomorphism/equality) if $Z$ were affine so here is where we have to use the fact $Z$ locally looks like an affine scheme:

$X$ is compact, so so is $Z$. $Z$ thus admits a finite cover by affine opens $U_1,\cdots,U_n$ (more precisely we require $(U_\bullet;\O_Z|_{U_\bullet})$ is affine). This is the only place where we use the assumption $Z$ is a scheme rather than an arbitrary locally ringed space. We have a commutative diagram, with $g:=\varphi(f)$: $$\require{AMScd}\begin{CD}\O_Z(Z)_g@>>>\O_Z(Z_g)\\@VVV@VVV\\\bigoplus_{k=1}^n\O_Z(U_k)_g@>>\cong>\bigoplus_{k=1}^n\O_Z(U_k\cap Z_g)\end{CD}$$Where the vertical maps are injective by the separatedness property of a sheaf and exactness of localisation (which commutes with finite direct products) and the bottom map is an isomorphism because the $U_\bullet$ are affine.

It follows the top map is injective, as desired, so $\I_f\hookrightarrow A_f$ really is identifiable with $\J=\ker\iota^\#$. For we have just constructed an isomorphism between the two on the basis of principal affine opens $(D(f))_{f\in A}$, a basis for $X$, so by general sheaf theory these sheaves must be isomorphic and we win.

A generic lemma that has nothing to do with schemes per se, just locally ringed spaces: Say $(X;\O_X)$ is a locally ringed space and $\J$ is a sheaf of ideals on $X$. We first claim $(\V(J);j^\ast(\O_X/\J))$ is a locally ringed space, where $\V(\J):=\{x\in X:\J_{X,x}\neq\O_{X,x}\}$, where $j:\V(J)\hookrightarrow X$. Firstly we must convince ourselves $j^\ast$ of a sheaf of rings is again a sheaf of rings in such a way that the unit/counit of adjunction are (local) ring homomorphisms. This is fairly clear. The reason it is a locally ringed sheaf is because each stalk is isomorphic with $\O_{X,x}/\J_{X,x}$ and if $A$ is a local ring and $I\subset A$ a proper ideal (this is the only reason we need to restrict to $\V$) then $A/I$ is also a local ring. Now, say $\iota:(Z;\O_Z)\hookrightarrow(X;\O_X)$ is a closed immersion of locally ringed spaces. If $\J=\ker\iota^\#$ we would want to identify $(Z;\O_Z)\cong(\V(\J);j^\ast(\O_X/\J))$ underneath $X$. First note for $x\in X\setminus Z$ that $(\iota_\ast\O_Z)_x=0$ by closedness, thus $\J_x=\O_{X,x}$. Now if $z\in Z$ then we are given, by the surjectivity condition, that: $$0\to\J_z\to\O_{X,z}\to\O_{Z,z}\to0$$Is exact; as $\O_Z$ is a locally ringed sheaf $\O_{Z,z}\neq0$ and it follows $\J_z$ is a proper ideal of $\O_{X,z}$. Therefore $\V(\J)=Z$ as an exact equality of subspaces of $X$ and $j=\iota$ on the point-set level. Moreover: $$0\to j^\ast\J\to j^\ast\O_X\to\O_Z\to0$$Is an exact sequences of sheaves on $Z$ and $j^\ast$ preserves quotients so $\O_Z\cong j^\ast(\O_X/\J)$ compatibly w.r.t $X$, as desired.


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