This is more of a fun puzzle than a problem born out of necessity, but I would like to know if there is a way to represent the more fundamental operations of addition and subtraction without using the operators +
and -
, or some "coverup" function that does just that behind the scenes, so to speak.
One way I could think of was finding out the cardinal number of a set of all integers from the negative of the first addend up till the second addend like so:-
\begin{align} &A = { \{x : x \in \mathbb{Z}, -b \leq x < a\} } \\ &n(A) = a + b \end{align}
Similarly for subtraction, \begin{align} &B = { \{x : x \in \mathbb{Z}, b \leq x < a\} } \\ &n(B) = a - b \end{align}
But I am curious if there is a better, cleverer, more elegant solution to this.