Let $W$ be the subspace of $\Bbb C$ linear combination of the following functions:$$f_1(z)=\sin z,\qquad f_2(z)=\cos z,\qquad f_3(z)=\sin2z,\qquad f_4(z)=\cos2z.$$ Let $T$ be the linear opeartor on $W$ given by complex differentition.Which of the following statements are true?
$1$.Dimension of $W$ is $3$.
$2$.The span of $f_1$ and $f_2$ is a Jordan block of $T$.
$3$.$T$ has two Jordan blocks.
$4$. $T$ has four Jordan blocks.
Since $f_1(z)=\sin z$,$f_2(z)=\cos z$,$f_3(z)=\sin2z$ and $f_4(z)=\cos2z$ are linearly independent,hence dimension of $W$ is $4$.So option (1) is incorrect.
Also $W$ is $T$ invariant (as $f'_1(z)=\cos z$, $f'_2(z)=-\sin z$, $f'_3(z)=2\cos2z$, $f'_4(z)=-2\sin2z$)
Now for other options one should find Jordan canonical form of $T$ and for Jordan canonical form one must have eigenvalues but I am unable to find eigenvalues of $T$.