We throw a dice, if we throw a 6, then we throw again (any number of times). Let $X$ be the sum of all thrown numbers. Find $\mathbb{E} (X)$.
I know that if we were just throwing without repeating throws then it would be:
$\mathbb{E} (Y) = 1*P(1) + 2*P(2) + 3*P(3) + ... + 6*P(6) = \frac{7}{2}$
Now if we would get to throw only once after a six throw, then it's ($\mathbb{E} (Z)$):
Let $\mathbb{E}(Y')$ be the expectation value of the second throw after a six was thrown.
$\mathbb{E}(Y') = 1*P_{Y'}(1) + 2*P_{Y'}(2) + ... + 6*P_{Y'}(6)$
$ = 1*\frac{1}{6^2} + ... + 6*\frac{1}{6^2} = \frac{\frac{7}{2}}{6}$
$\mathbb{E} (Z) = \mathbb{E}(Y) + \mathbb{E}(Y')$
But how to calculate the repeated throws after a six is thrown?
Is it the sum up to infinity?
$$\mathbb{E}(X) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \sum_{i=1}^{6} i\cdot \frac{1}{6^n}$$
How can I evaluate this double sum?