I'm reading Munkres Topology and I'm stuck in lemma 68.5 as you can see he uses the theorem 68.4 in order to imply that there is a isomorphism between $G$ and $G'$, but in order for this theorem to be applied we must have that $\{i_{\alpha}(G_{\alpha})\}$ and $\{i'_{\alpha}(G_{\alpha})\}$ generate $G$ and $G'$ which for $G'$ is just fine because it is stated that is a free product of the groups $\{i'_{\alpha}(G_{\alpha})\}$ but how do we know that $G$ can be generated by $\{i_{\alpha}(G_{\alpha})\}$? We say that the groups $G_\alpha$ generate $G$ if every element $x$ of $G$ can be written as a finite sum of elements of the groups $G_\alpha$.
Lemma 68.5. Let $\{G_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha \in J}$ be a family of groups; let $G$ be a group; let $i_{\alpha} : G_{\alpha} \rightarrow G$ be a family of homomorphisms. If the extension condition of Lemma 68.3 holds, then each $i_{\alpha}$ is a monomorphism and $G$ is the free product of the groups $i_{\alpha}(G_{\alpha})$.
Proof. We first show that each $i_{\alpha}$ is a monomorphism. Given an index $\beta$, let us set $H = G_{\beta}$. Let $k_{\alpha} : G_{\alpha} \rightarrow H$ be the identity if $\alpha = \beta$, and the trivial homomorphism if $\alpha \neq \beta$. Let $h : G \rightarrow H$ be the homomorphism given by the extension condition. Then $h \circ i_{\beta} = h_{\beta}$, so that $i_{\beta}$ is injective. By Theorem 68.2, there exists a group $G'$ and a family $i'_{\alpha} : G_{\alpha} \rightarrow G'$ of monomorphisms such that $G'$ is the free product of the groups $i'_{\alpha}(G_{\alpha})$. Both $G$ and $G'$ have the extension property of Lemma 68.3. $\color{red}{\text{The preceding theorem then implies that there is an isomorphism}} $ $\phi : G \rightarrow G'$ such that $\phi \circ i_{\alpha} = i'_{\alpha}$. It follows at once that $G$ is the free product of the groups $i'_{\alpha}(G_{\alpha})$.
Theorem 68.4 (Uniqueness of free products).} Let $\{G_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha \in J}$ be a family of groups. Suppose $G$ and $G'$ are groups and $i_{\alpha} : G_{\alpha} \rightarrow G$ and $i'_{\alpha} : G_{\alpha} \rightarrow G'$ are families of monomorphisms, such that the families $\{i_{\alpha}(G_{\alpha})\}$ and $\{i'_{\alpha}(G_{\alpha})\}$ generate $G$ and $G'$, respectively. If both $G$ and $G'$ have the extension property stated in the preceding lemma, then there is a unique isomorphism $\phi : G \rightarrow G'$ such that $\phi \circ i_{\alpha} = i'_{\alpha}$ for all $\alpha$.