I've been trying to solve the following question:
Show that the polynomial ring $\mathbb{Z}[x,y,z]$ is a finitely generated module over its subring generated by the following three elements:$$x+y+z,\ xy+xz+yz,\ xyz.$$
Could you give me a hint? Say $R$ is the ring generated by the above three elements. My idea was to show that $x$ is integral over $R$, i.e. that the subring $R[x]$ of $\mathbb{Z}[x,y,z]$ is finitely generated as an R-submodule of $\mathbb{Z}[x,y,z]$.
Alternatively, I tried finding the monic polynomial in $R[w]$ that $x$ satisfies, but neither method worked (or maybe I just missed something).
I am quite confused and feel like I'm doing something completely wrong.