We know that...
- The bulb is off for $21$ seconds.
- Then the bulb is on for $15$ seconds.
- The pattern occurs for $200$ full minutes, which is $12,000$ seconds.
From this, we see that one full cycle of on/off states of the bulb can be represented by $(21+15)$ seconds. Now we need to figure out how many times that cycle occurs in $12,000$ seconds.
This tells us that the bulb will go through $333$ on/off cycles, and only $\frac13$ of the $334$th cycle (which is $12$ seconds). Those $12$ extra seconds are not enough for the bulb to turn on again, so the bulb will turn on a total of $333$ times.
However, this might be wrong due to the ambiguity of the question. You said that the bulb would first be off for $21$ seconds, then turn on for $15$ seconds, then turn off for another $21$ seconds. If this was the writer's intended pattern, then our answer would change.
$(21+15+21)$ seconds = $1$ on/off cycle
This means that the bulb would go through $210$ on/off cycles, and about halfway through the $211$th one (which is $\approx30$ seconds). This extra $30$ seconds is enough for the bulb to transition from off to on, so the bulb will turn on a total of $211$ times.