I begin by three examples showing that the solutions of
can depend on parameters.
a) If we take
then the general solution of (1) is :
with $\det(L)=4a^2b$.
b) If $$A=\pmatrix{1&0&0&0\\0&0&1&0\\0&1&0&0\\0&0&0&1}$$ (in fact it is a commutation matrix that will be used later on), the general solution depends on 4 parameters :
with $\det(L)=0.$
c) For the $6 \times 6$ matrix :
the general solution depends on $9 $ (!) parameters :
with the interesting factorization of
$$\det(L)=(2ce - 2bg + af + ah)^2(2fh + 4di - f^2 - h^2)$$
Please note that in the three examples, the solutions are the sum of a symmetric matrix and a skew-symmetric matrix (see the connection with the answer by @user1551).
How such solutions can be obtained ? By the following method :
Begin by "vectorizing" relationship (1) :
(vectorization of a $n \times n$ matrix means : "stacking its columns into a $n^2 \times 1$ vector").
Based on classical relationship $vec(AXB)=(B^T \otimes A) vec(X)$ where $\otimes$ is Kronecker product, (2) can be written under the form :
$$(I_n \otimes A) . vec(L) + U . vec(L) = vec(0),\tag{3}$$
where $C$ is the ($n^2 \times n^2$) commutation matrix : see here or here.
$$\underbrace{(I_n \otimes A+C)}_D . vec(L) = vec(0),$$
Otherwise said, $vec(L)$ is any vector of the kernel of $$D:=I_n \otimes A + C,$$
with possible dimensions $0,1,2 ...$ (even more than $n$) in the examples given above, the dimensions are $2$ and $4$ resp.). The dimension of the kernel can be
This gives you a way to obtain a general form for $L$ using software tools where Kronecker product is implemented (see general Matlab program below).
Remark : Writing the initial relationship under the form
and taking the determinant on both sides, one sees that either $\det(L)=0$ or, if $\det(L) \ne 0$, a necessary condition on $A$ for having solutions to (1) is : $\det(A)=(-1)^n$.
Here is a (Matlab) program with the matrix of the first example, but which can be used for any matrix :
I=eye(n); % identity matrix n x n
% creation of the commutation matrix C at order n :
for p=1:n;Col=[Col,p+n*(0:n-1)];end;
Kb=null(D,'rational'); % basis of the kernel in a n x d array
disp('kernel dimension : '),d
if d>0
disp('the gen. sol. is a linear combination of :')
for k=1:d;reshape(Kb(:,k),n,n);end;
else disp('therefore no non trivial solution')