Let $X$ be a connected space with a topology not necessarily sequential. What is an example where a point in $X$ is not the limit of any not eventually constant sequence?
Motivation. Suppose $X$ is a topological vector space over $\mathbb{R}$ or $\mathbb{C}$. If we define a sequentially separated set $S$ of $X$ as such that, for every $x\in S$, $x$ lies outside the sequential closure of subspace $Y_x:=\text{span}(S\setminus \{x\})$. I'm trying to use the usual Zorn's lemma argument claiming there always exists a maximal such set. But it seems, if $X$ has a not-so-nice topology, there might be points which cannot be approximated by any not eventually constant sequence, and that can derail the reasoning.
I came to think about this issue when trying to understand uncountable Schauder basis. Thanks.