Let $C$ be a small pre-additive category. Let $R(C)$ denote its category ring, that is, $$ R(C)=\bigoplus_{a,b\in \mathrm{Ob}(C)} C(a,b) $$ as Abelian group, where the direct sum runs over all object $a$, $b$ of $C$. The multiplication in $R(C)$ is given by composition of composable morphisms and 0 for uncomposable morphisms (extended by bilinearity).
This constuction is functorial: An additive functor $C\to D$ between small pre-additive categories induces a ring homomorphism $R(C)\to R(D)$ between the corresponding category rings in a canocical way.
Hence we have a functor $R$ from the category of small pre-additive categories (with additive functors as morhisms) to the category of rings (with ring homomorphisms as morphisms).
But the category of small pre-additive categories has a 2-categorical structure given by natural transformations.
Hence my question: Does this 2-categorical structure have a counterpart in the category of rings? More precisely, is there a natural notion of 2-morphisms between ring homomorphisms turning $R$ into a 2-functor?