Let $a_n$ be the sequence of rational numbers defined by the recurrence $$a_0=1,\quad\left(2^n-1\right)a_n=\sum_{k=1}^n{\small\binom n k}\frac{a_{n-k}}{k+1}.\tag1$$ It begins $$\small1,\,\frac12,\,\frac5{18},\,\frac16,\,\frac{143}{1350},\,\frac{19}{270},\,\frac{1153}{23814},\,\frac{583}{17010},\,...\tag2$$ and is apparently related to $\texttt{A272755}$ and the Fabius function.
It appears that the following simpler identity holds: $$a_n\stackrel{\small\color{silver}?}=\sum_{k=0}^n{\small\binom n k}\,(-1)^k\,a_k.\tag3$$ How can we prove it?
(Note that $(3)$ could not be used as a definition of $a_n$ because the term $a_n$ is canceled for even $n$.)