For $a>0,b\geq 1$, what is the value of the following integral?
$$\int _0^{\infty }e^{-b x} x^{b-1} \log \left((1-a x)^2\right)dx$$
Motivation: I need the following expectation for random variable $X$ where $2b X$ is distributed as Chi-squared with $2b$ degrees of freedom:
$$E \log\left[(1-a X)^2\right]$$
The corresponding integral is
$$\int_0^\infty \frac{\left(\frac{1}{b}\right)^{-b} e^{-b x} x^{b-1} \log \left((1-a x)^2\right)}{\Gamma (b)}$$
Mathematica gets the following formulas for $b=1,\ldots,6$ in terms of $\operatorname{Ei}(x)=-\int_{-z}^\infty e^{-t}/t \mathbb{d}t$
$$\begin{array}{ll} b=1&-2 e^{-1/a} \text{Ei}\left(\frac{1}{a}\right)\\ b=2&2-\frac{2 (a+2) e^{-2/a} \text{Ei}\left(\frac{2}{a}\right)}{a}\\ b=3&\frac{3 a (a+1)-(2 (a+3) a+9) e^{-3/a} \text{Ei}\left(\frac{3}{a}\right)}{a^2}\\ b=4&\frac{a ((11 a+16) a+16)-2 (3 ((a+4) a+8) a+32) e^{-4/a} \text{Ei}\left(\frac{4}{a}\right)}{3 a^3}\\ b=5&\frac{5 a ((2 (5 a+9) a+25) a+25)-(4 (3 (2 (a+5) a+25) a+125) a+625) e^{-5/a} \text{Ei}\left(\frac{5}{a}\right)}{12 a^4}\\ b=6&\frac{a ((((137 a+288) a+486) a+648) a+648)-12 (5 ((((a+6) a+18) a+36) a+54) a+324) e^{-6/a} \text{Ei}\left(\frac{6}{a}\right)}{30 a^5} \end{array} $$
What is the general formula in terms of $b$?
The code to compute the formulas (takes about 2 minutes to run)
$Assumptions = {x > 0, a > 0};
dist[n_] =
x \[Distributed] ChiSquareDistribution[n]];
pdf[n_, x_] = PDF[dist[n], x];
mean[b_?IntegerQ] :=
Integrate[Log[(1 - a x)^2] pdf[2 b, x], {x, 0, 1/a, \[Infinity]}];
formulas = FullSimplify@mean[#] & /@ Range[6]
Solving for $a$ in $E[\log(1-a X^2)^2]=0$ gives the largest convergent learning rate for linear least squares mini-batch SGD with batch size $2b$, step size $a$ and observations $X$ distributed as standard normal in $d=1$ dimensions. Batch-size 1 case is also known as LMS filter. Stability of LMS filter w.r.t. to step size is not fully understood, so characterizing it completely for a simple case of Gaussian observations is interesting.
Related discussion here addresses the issue of convergence with batch size 1 and $d\ge 1$
Curiosuly, 1d iteration appears to become more unstable with increased batch size. In other words, applying random iteration several times and averaging updates at each step, can turn a stable random iteration into an unstable one.