I'm currently studying in the book of Analysis of Terry Tao, amazing book by the way. In one exercise I'm not pretty sure about how can do it (I know that will be almost trivial but I'm stuck in it).
Definition: Let $\varepsilon >0$ and $x,y\in \mathbb{Q}$. We say that $y \text{ is } \,\,\varepsilon\text{ - close to } x \iff d(x,y)\le \varepsilon$; where $ d(x,y)$ is the distance of $y$ to $x$ define as $d(x,y)= \,\mid x-y\mid.$
Ex: Let $\varepsilon>0$. If $x$ and $y$ are $\varepsilon \text{ - close}$ to $x$, and $w$ is between $y$ and $z$, then $w$ is also $\varepsilon \text{ - close}$ to $x$.
So my question: is there a clever way to do it without divide the exercise by cases when $y\le w\le z$ and then when $z\le w\le y$? Sorry if I'm not put my attempt, everything I tried is completely wrong. Thanks in advance.