The question is about the simplest value for the multi-valued function
$$ y = f(x) := \text{arctan}(2\tan(x))/x. \tag1 $$
A natural place to start is to define the two-variable function
$$ g(x, y) = \tan(x\,y)-2\tan(x) \tag2 $$
so that
$$ 0 = g(x, f(x)). \tag3 $$
Notice that $\,f(0) = 2\,$ and that $\,f(n\pi/2) = 0\,$
for all integer $\,n.\,$
The power series expansions centered at the multiples of $\,\pi/2\,$ can
be found using equation $(3)$ and the method of undetermined coefficients.
Some examples:
$$ f(x) = 2 - 2x^2 + 4x^4 - \frac{142}{15}x^6 + \frac{4612}{189}x^8
- \frac{312644}{4725}x^{10} + \dots. \tag4 $$
f\Big(\frac{\pi}2(1+x)\Big) &=
1 - \frac{1-x}2\Big(x + (1-p)x^3 + (1-p-p^2)x^5 \\
&+\Big(1-p-p^2 -\frac{11}{15}p^3\Big)x^7 +
+\dots\Big) \tag5
where $\,p := (\pi/4)^2.\,$
f(\pi(1+x)) &= 1 + (1-x)\Big(x + (1-2p)x^3 +(1-2p+4p^2)x^5 \\
\dots\Big) \tag6
where $\,p := \pi^2.\,$
The series expansions for other multiples of $\,\pi/2\,$ are very similar.
For example the series expansion for $\,3\pi/2\,$ is the same as equation
$(5)$ with $\,p := (3\pi/4)^2.\,$ This is due to the period $\,\pi\,$ for
the tangent function.
By the way, a Wolfram Mathematica nice plot of the implicit equation is
ContourPlot[ Tan[x*y] == 2*Tan[x], {x, -8, 8}, {y, .8, 2.1},
PlotPoints->100, MaxRecursion->3, AspectRatio->1/5]