I am currently reading Reed and Simon's IV: Analysis of Operators, Volume 4 (Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics). I don't understand something they do in Theorem XIII.64.
The problem is: Let $A$ be a self-adjoint operator that is bounded from below, and let $P_{\Omega}$ be the family of spectral projections corresponding to $A$. Then $AP_{(-\infty, \lambda)}$ is a bounded operator.
What I have thought so far: $A$ can be thought of as the identity on its spectrum and since the spectrum is bounded from below, and since $P_{(-\infty, \lambda)}$ corresponds to the characteristic function of $(-\infty, \lambda)$, $AP_{(-\infty, \lambda)}$ corresponds to the identity on a bounded set, and is then a bounded operator. I have no idea on how to give a rigorous proof of this.
Edit: Here $P_{\Omega} = \chi_{\Omega}(A)$ for a Borel set $\Omega$, and where $\chi$ is the characteristic function. $AP_{\Omega}$ is composition of the operators $A$ and $P_{\Omega}$.
Edit: spectral theorem (multiplication form) : Let $A$ be a self-adjoint operator on a separable Hilbert space $H$. Then there is a finite measure space $(M, \mu)$, and a unitary operator $U: H \rightarrow L^2(M, \mu)$ and a real-valued function $f$ which is finite a. e. such that $UAU^{-1}\phi(m) = f(m)\phi(m)$.
spectral theorem (projection valued measure form) There is a one-to-one correspondence between self-adjoint operators $A$ and projection-valued measures $\{P_{\Omega}\}$, the correspondence is given by $$ A = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\lambda dP_{\lambda}, $$ where $P_{\lambda} = P_{(-\infty, \lambda)}$
Thank you for your help!