Flora the frog starts at $0$ on the number line and makes a sequence of jumps to the right. In any one jump, independent of previous jumps, Flora leaps a positive integer distance $m$ with probability $\frac{1}{2^m}$. What is the probability that Flora will eventually land at $10$? (AMC 12A 2023/17)
Solution 1 says:
At any point, the probabilities of landing at $10$ and landing past $10$ are exactly the same. Therefore, the probability must be $\frac{1}{2}$.
If you apply any of solutions 2(recursion), 3 (combinations), or 7(induction), then solution 1 follows. But is there some elaboration of solution 1 that does not include 2, 3, or 7. Or some really elegant way to solve the question?