I have been recently I asked to construct non isomorphic groups of specific order. To do that I used the invariant that they must have isomorphic centers. $G_1\cong G_2 \Rightarrow Z(G_1) \cong Z(G_2)$, which proved to be handy.
For instance $3$ non isomoprhic groups of order $42$.
$$G_1 =\mathbb{Z}_{42}, G_2=\mathbb{Z_3} \times D_{14}, G_3=\mathbb{Z_7}\times D_6$$ where $D$ stand stand for Dihedral. $$Z(G_1)= \mathbb{Z_{42}}, Z(G_2)=\mathbb{Z_3}\times 1 , Z(G_3)= \mathbb{Z_7} \times 1$$ thus they are non isomorphic.
Now from sylow thereoms we could tell that the number of sylow subgroups of a Group of order $2$ could be $1,3,7,21$. So if for each different of these numbers a Group existed then we would have our 4 non isomorphic groups. Is a way to construct groups with the possible candidate numbers from sylow theorems?
If not is there something close to that end?