This conjecture is based on a mobile game that I've published. The object of the game is:
- Given $n ≥ 3$ points in the Cartesian plane in general position (no $3$ of those points are a straight line):
- Connect all the points with $n - 1$ line segments, drawn continuously (without lifting pencil from paper). Drawing lines in this way forms a permutation of the set of $n$ points, with each line segment being defined by the $n-1$ subsequences of $2$ consecutive points in that permutation. (No line segment is drawn between the first and last points in the permutation.)
- Every subsequence of $3$ consecutively connected points must be clockwise oriented in the order that they were connected.
- No two of the line segments may intersect.
Equations that precisely define clockwise orientation and line intersection are provided under the "Insights" section of this post.
I've already proven that every instance of this game is solvable if the player gets to choose the point at which they start: Start at a point on the convex hull of the set of points, then continue making connections in a clockwise spiral to minimize each successive angle between line segments until every point has been reached.
However, I conjecture that the game is also solvable by using any arbitrary point as the starting point, even if it's not on the convex hull of all the points.
I have not yet manually created a counterexample to this conjecture, and I've also searched millions of possible levels using a computer program without finding a counterexample. However, I have yet to formally prove the conjecture.
Here's another wording of the problem:
Given a set of $n ≥ 3$ points $\{P_1, P_2, ..., P_n\}$ in general position, and given an arbitrary point $Q$ from that set, does there always exist a permutation of that set satisfying the following conditions:
- The first element of the permutation is $Q$
- None of the following line segments intersect with each other: $\overline{P_i P_{i+1}}$ for each $i \in [1, n-1]$
- Referring to $P_i$, $P_{i+1}$, and $P_{i+2}$ as $(A_x, A_y)$, $(B_x, B_y)$, and $(C_x, C_y)$ for each $i \in [1, n-2]$, the following condition is always satisfied: $\begin{vmatrix}(B_x - A_x)&(B_y - A_y)\\(C_x - A_x)&(C_y - A_y)\end{vmatrix}<0$
Alternative strategy:
If an alternative conjecture can be proven where $Q$ is the last element of the permutation instead of the first element, then the original conjecture also holds.
Reasoning: If the original conjecture holds for a set of points $S$, then the alternative conjecture holds for $S'$, where $S'$ has the points from $S$ reflected across a given arbitrary line (such as the y-axis).
Whether two line segments intersect depends upon whether trios of their points are clockwise-oriented. This correspondence may be usable to generalize the problem, though I am not yet sure how.
Let $c(A, B, C)$ be true iff A, B, and C are clockwise-oriented and false otherwise. Let $i(A, B, C, D)$ be true iff $\overline{AB}$ and $\overline{CD}$ intersect with each other and false otherwise. Then:
$c(A, B, C) = (\begin{vmatrix}(B_x - A_x)&(B_y - A_y)\\(C_x - A_x)&(C_y - A_y)\end{vmatrix}<0)$
$i(A, B, C, D) = (c(A, B, C) \oplus c(A, B, D)) \land (c(C, D, A) \oplus c(C, D, B))$
The following identities hold on the function $c$:
$c(A, B, C) = c(B, C, A) = c(C, A, B)$
$c(A, B, C) \oplus c(C, B, A)$ always evaluates to true
The function $f(N)$ that gives the number of sets of N points that are distinct (defined below) is given by A000930, where $f(N)$ is the Nth element of that sequence. (Obviously, $f(1)$ and $f(2)$ are meaningless in the context of this problem.) For example, there is only one distinct set of $3$ points — they form a triangle. For $4$ points, there are $2$ distinct sets — one with a convex hull of 4 points and one with a single point within a convex hull of 3 other points.
Distinctness for the purpose of this result is defined by:
- the number of times the convex hull of the set of points can be removed before no points remain (i.e. the number of nested convex hulls in the initial set of points), and
- the numbers of points on each of the nested convex hulls.
I believe, but have not yet formally proven, that the solution for any set of points $S$ is generalizable to any other set of points $T$ if $S$ and $T$ are not distinct by the above definition.
Insights from answers:
- Carlyle proved that for a set of points $S$, a solution can always be found if the initial point is in $T$ or $U$, where $T$ is the convex hull of $S$, and $U$ is the convex hull of $(S - T)$.
- It follows that a solution can be found for any initial point in a set of $6$ or fewer points.
Insights from comments:
Thank you so much to everyone who's left comments! Here is a summary of the ideas and insights derived from my and others' comments.
- There have been misconceptions about the meaning of "clockwise". This term is precisely defined in the "clarification" and "insights" sections of my question.
- Observe the manner in which the following set of points is connected according to the rules in the problem statement:
- The above set of points does not generalize to all sets of points with 3 convex hulls within each other (e.g. 3 convex hulls inscribed within concentric circles). Why does this not generalize? Consider the case of 4 convex hulls inscribed within concentric circles. Here is the general solution (with an arbitrarily large number of points on each). Here is a specific case, with a different solution than the general case.
Mobile game screenshots:
These screenshots illustrate the conjecture in the context of the mobile game ("Clockwise!" by me, Roy Sianez, available on the iOS App Store within the US). I'm attaching them as an image because the App Store link may not show the product page outside of the US.