I have a question about the definition of sums of RVs and I can't find the answer to it.
Assume that $A$ and $B$ are $\sigma$-algebras and $A \subset B$, if $X$ is $A$-measurable and $Y$ is $B$-measurable then how is $X+Y$ is defined? My guess is that it's defined as $X + Y$ as a $A$-measurable function, but I'm not sure if that's the case or even whether I'm asking the correct question.
In case you wonder about the context, it comes up when I wanted to reason about the sums of conditional expectations in a filtration. For instance assume $X_t$ is adapted to $F_t$, then how would you define $E[X_{t-1}|F_{t-2}]$ + $E[X_t|F_{t-1}]$? Is it $E[X_t + X_{t-1} | F_{t-1}]$?