I'm trying to generalize a method which can solve a problem involving discrete group to continuous group. And the method involve construct a "free vector space" from discrete space. So I'm trying to find a way to construct some kind of "free Hilbert space" from a topological space. But I have no idea how to achieve this goal. Then I find that one can get a free group or free vector space by considering the left adjoint of forgetful functor, so I wonder if one can go this way to get "free Hilbert space". But I don't know how to construct this adjoint.
Let $\mathbf{Hil}$ be the category of Hilbert spaces, $\mathbf{Top}$ be the category of topological spacces, and consider the forgetful functor $ F : \mathbf{Hil} \to \mathbf{Top}.$ Does this functor $F$ have a left adjoint? If it does, what is this left adjoint?