Sorry for the vague title, but I do not know how to describe the question briefly. If any improvements are possible please edit.
Given an arbitrary invertible matrix $A$ whose entries contains only $0$ and $1$, can we always find a permutation matrix $P$ such that $A-P$ also has non-negative entries? Equivalently, can we show that there always exists a permutation $\sigma$ such that $A_{i,\sigma(i)}$ are all nonzero?
When the number of $1$s exceeding $n$ is not so much, simple pigeon-hole argument can prove the case. However general cases seem to be too complecated to me. (Or the question is stupid and pigeon-hole can indeed do the job.)
There are similar posts on the site like
Characterizing sums of permutation matrices
but I am not familiar with the methods applied there so I failed to adapt them.
Bonus: Is the statement true for arbitrary matrices with nonnegative integral entries?
Any help would be appreciated.