I was trying to integrate:
$$\iiint_D x\ dx\,dy\,dz$$
where $D$ is limited by $x=4y^2+4z^2$ and $x=4$.
I have managed to find the answer by converting the domain to cylindrical coordinates, using:
$$z = r \sin(\theta)$$
$$y = r \cos(\theta)$$
$$x = x$$
and the domain:
$$D=\{(\theta,r,x):0<\theta<2\pi,0<r<\sqrt{\frac x4},0<x<4\} $$
Integrating over this domain, I got the right answer which is:
$$\iiint_D x\ dx\,dy\,dz=\frac {16\pi}{3}$$
However, this was not my first choice for a domain. I first tried:
Which, when evaluated in the integral, gives:
$$\iiint_B x\ dx\,dy\,dz=\frac {8\pi}{3}$$
I understand that since the results are different, these domains are not equivalent. Moreover, since I know the right answer for this problem, I know that the second domain is wrong. But I can not understand why. Solving the integral is relatively easy, but finding the domain is not always very clear to me.
Why is the first domain $D$ right and the second domain $B$ is wrong in this case?
What is the Connection between $B$ & $D$ ?