From Wikipedia:
"In mathematics, specifically group theory, the free product is an operation that takes two groups $G$ and $H$ and constructs a new group $G ∗ H$. The result contains both $G$ and $H$ as subgroups, is generated by the elements of these subgroups, and is the “universal” group having these properties, in the sense that any two homomorphisms from $G$ and $H$ into a group $K$ factor uniquely through a homomorphism from $G ∗ H$ to $K$."
Would this be the correct diagram showing the universal property? I'm most concerned about the red arrows. I am basing my drawing off of the kinds of illustrations I've seen of a product $X \times Y$, so do these red arrows exist and are they analogous to the projection arrows $X \xleftarrow{\pi_1} X \times Y \xrightarrow{\pi_2} Y $ that you see for products? If not, could someone do a quick drawing of the correct diagram for me? I want to put a correct diagram in my Anki cards, so any help would be greatly appreciated.