In the explanation of the aforesaid post, I am struggling to understand why W1 W2 B1 B2 and W2 W1 B1 B2 are being counted as different permutations. Are not all white balls and black balls identical?
Furthermore, how can we label the black balls or even the white balls, does not that contradict the assumption that the black balls and white balls are identical?
I am really struggling here, and I would be greatly indebted if anyone could truly explain what is going on in the derivation of the expectation of a negative hypergeometric distribution.
Edit: I can't give up, even if this is the death of me, I can't. This is probably a mental block. I have been solving of Blitzstein, and I have solved ALL problems till the topic of expectation. However, I still can't get a hold on this derivation of expectation.
The link of book
PAGE: 169.
Let me explain my thinking step by step.
A random variable, roughly speaking, may be defined as a function from the set of outcomes to the set of real numbers.
So in this case we desire to find the expectation of a negative hypergeometric distribution.
In order to do so, we set up a random variable X_i defined as the number of black balls between (i-1)th white ball and the ith while ball. We, therefore, have summation of X_i = b, total number of black balls.
We desire to find E[X_1 + X_2 + ... X_r] where 'r' is the number of white of white balls drawn. We also have, X_1 + X_2 +X_3 .. X_r = k. I.E we are finding the expectation of NegHyp(w,b,r), w, white balls, b black balls, and the sampling of black balls takes place till r white balls of drawn.
Now, I also understand that X_i may be written as I_1 + I_2 + I_3 +...I_b, where each of the black balls is labelled as 1, 2, 3...b. I am in complete agreement with this labelling, as this labelling is of no consequence in the counting of permutations, and only serves as a tag of how many balls have been drawn.
But, herein lies my conundrum, something that has been troubling me for an entire week.
How is E[I_i] = 1/(w+1), that is, the probability that a ball labelled I_i lies between some two white balls = 1/w+1? I understand there are w+1 spaces between the w white balls.
But what I don't understand is how is everyone saying the probability that the I_i labelled black ball lies between a certain pair of white balls = 1/w+1 so "TRIVIALLY". Because there are not just w+1 positions that we need to consider, but also a whole host of other permutations, overcounts, etc.
I would be grateful to anyone who could be so ever kind and actually detail out the process of calculating the above probability. Please kindly don't use the word "symmetry", I really don't get it.