I am trying to determine the splitting fields of a bunch of polynomials. I'll ask one here and hope that a general enough technique can be described to find the rest of them.
Currently, I'm trying to find the splitting field of $(x^{15}-5)(x^{77}-1)$ over $\Bbb Q$, find the degree, and determine if it's a Galois extension.
Now, I know that the right polynomial is the cyclotomic polynomial, hence has degree $\varphi(77)=60$, over $\Bbb Q$. The left polynomial is irreducible by Eisenstein's Criterion, hence adjoining $\sqrt[15]{5}$ gives a degree 15 extension and as a separate extension, adjoining $\zeta_{15}$ (a primitive $15^{th}$ root of unity) gives a degree $8$ extension. Since $8$ and $15$ are relatively prime, I know that the degree of the extension for the splitting field of $x^{15}-5$ is $120$.
All of this seems well and good, but now I'm lost. The splitting field itself is obviously $\Bbb Q(\zeta_{77},\sqrt[15]{5},\zeta_{15})$, but how can I check the degree and determine if it is Galois?