Adding some details to @Qise's answer.
For $n=5$, note that $K_5$ is a pentagon with a star inside. Simply colour the $5$ edges of the pentagon blue and the $5$ edges of the star red (or vice-versa), and you have it.
Suppose for $n=4k+1$ you have such an edge colouring of $K_n$. Note that the blue degree of each vertex is $2k$. Divide the $4k+1$ vertices into four sets of $k$ vertices each, say $V_1, V_2, V_3, V_4$ and a single vertex, $v$.
Now for $n'=4k+5$ you add four vertices - say $u_1, u_2, u_3, u_4$. Colour all the edges between $u_1, u_2$ and $V_1, V_2$ blue, and between $u_1, u_2$ and $V_3, V_4$ red. Similarly, colour all the edges between $u_3, u_4$ and $V_3, V_4$ blue and those between $u_3, u_4$ and $V_1, V_2$ red.
Now note that the vertices in $V_1,...,V_4$ have achieved blue degree $2k+2$, as required. The only edges left to colour in $K_{n'}$ are the edges of the $K_5$ induced by $u_1,..., u_4, v$. Use the colouring of $K_5$ in step 1, following which the blue degree of each of these is now $2k + 2$, as required.