Let $N$ be a well-ordered set together with a unary operation $s$ that obeys the following axioms (they are just the Peano axioms without induction):
- $0 \in N$
- for each $n \in N$ we have $s(n) \in N$
- for every $n \in N$ we have $s(n) \ne 0$
- for all $n,m \in N$, if $s(n) = s(m)$ then $n=m$.
Importantly, I do not assume that the well-order $\leq_N$ that comes with $N$ is compatible with the successor operation $s$.
From Exercise 1 in these notes I am aware that if I started with just a well-ordered set (but no successor operation), then I can define a successor by the formula $s(n) = \min((n, +\infty])$. I want to know if a kind of converse to this is possible.
To be more precise, my question is: does there always exist a well-ordering of $N$ (which is potentially very different from $\leq_N$) such that $s(n) = \min((n, +\infty])$? If so, please provide a proof. If not, please give a counterexample.
To anticipate a potential confusion: it is not possible to use the well-ordering $\leq_N$ in order to prove that induction holds in $N$, and then use induction to recursively define addition and from there define the usual ordering on the natural numbers. This is because, as I understand it, well-ordering only proves induction if we additionally assume that every non-zero element has a predecessor. I am specifically not assuming this additional property.
This question is similar to but distinct from the following two questions I was able to find on this site:
- Is defining a successor operation equivalent to defining a well-ordering operation?: Not the same because this question is kind of vague. In particular, it doesn't assume that $N$ is well-ordered, and doesn't assume $N$ satisfies the non-induction Peano axioms.
- Prove strict well-order from Peano successor function: This question doesn't assume $N$ is well-ordered. It also is asking if a particular ordering relation is a well-order, whereas I am asking if there is some ordering relation which is a well-order that obeys a certain property.