According to some textbooks, for a $n \times p$ partitioned matrix $X = \begin{bmatrix} X_1 & X_2 \end{bmatrix}$, where $n > p$, the following holds.
$$ \operatorname{rank}(X) = \operatorname{rank}(X_1) + \operatorname{rank}(X_2) - \dim(\operatorname{col}(X_1) \cap \operatorname{col}(X_2)) $$
where $\operatorname{col} (A)$ denotes the column space of $A$. I want to have the result $\operatorname{rank}(X) = \operatorname{rank} (X_1) + \operatorname{rank} (X_2)$. For this, I need to prove that
$$\dim(\operatorname{col} (X_1) \cap \text{col} (X_2)) = 0$$
but I don't know how to prove this in a specific matrix. How can I prove $\operatorname{col}(X_1) \cap \operatorname{col}(X_2) = \emptyset$? Does $X_1 a \neq X_2 b$ for any nozero $a$ and $b$ prove this?