In Set Theory for the Working Mathematician by Krzysztof Ciesielski, the axiom schema of comprehension is stated in the following way:
For every formula $\varphi(s, t)$ with free variables $s$ and $t$, for every $x$ and for every parameter $p$, there exists a set $y = \{ u \in x : \varphi(u, p) \}$ that contains all those $u \in x$ that have property $\varphi$: $$\forall x \forall p \exists y [ \forall u ((u \in y) \leftrightarrow ((u \in x) \wedge \varphi(u, p)))].$$
I'm not sure what the author means by the word "parameter" in this context.
Maybe the word "parameter" is familiar to people well-versed in first-order logic. But I'm not one of those people. I've never studied first-order logic formally, and it's unlikely that I'm going to find time to study it in the near future. I've always been content to do practical mathematics, getting by with only an intuitive grasp of concepts from first-order logic.
Because of my limited background in logic, I find it difficult to make sense of answers such as this one. I see phrases like "element of a structure", which must have some specific meaning understandable only to people who have studied first-order logic seriously. (Even when I see the word "formula" in this answer, I'm left wondering if I've failed to pick up on some specific meaning, since I would personally have used the word "expression" instead.)
That said, I have a pretty good idea of what the axiom schema of comprehension should say. Usually, when I do practical mathematics, I interpret the axiom schema of comprehension like this:
For every formula $\varphi(s, w_1, \dots, w_n)$ with free variables $s, w_1, \dots, w_n$, we have $$\forall x \forall w_1 \dots \forall w_n \exists y [ \forall u ((u \in y) \leftrightarrow ((u \in x) \wedge \varphi(u, w_1, \dots, w_n)))].$$
This interpretation agrees with the wikipedia article on this subject.
So when my book talks about a "parameter $p$", should I interpret $p$ as a finite collection of free variables $w_1, \dots, w_n$? And should I think of the quantifier $\forall p$ as being synonymous with $\forall w_1 \dots \forall w_n$? Finally, if the book mentions "a formula $\varphi(s, t)$ with free variables $s$ and $t$" and then goes on to write down the expression $\varphi(u, p)$, then should I take this to mean that $\varphi$ depends on $n + 1$ variables (rather than $2$ variables), and that $\varphi(u, p)$ is shorthand for $\varphi(u, w_1, \dots, w_n)$?
Or perhaps, the correct way to connect the statement in the book to the statement in Wikipedia is to equate the $p$ in the book with the ordered tuple $(w_1, \dots, w_n)$, where $w_1, \dots, w_n$ are the variables in Wikipedia? For this to work, the formula $\varphi(u, p)$ would have to contain a clause that asserts that $p$ is an $n$-tuple, but this is fine.