
As a curious bystander fascinated by aperiodic tilings, I skimmed the more informal parts of the (very nice!) paper about the hat monotile and have a few questions about the tilings it produces, specifically how the properties compare of those of Penrose tilings.

  1. Is it correct that both substitution systems (H7/H8 and the HTFP) both produce the same, unique tiling induced by the presented metatiles?

  2. Penrose tilings allow to construct infinitely many different aperiodic tilings. Is the aperiodic tiling presented for the hat tile unique? I.e. even if the presented constructions yield the same tiling - is it known if other tilings are possible (in principle), using some other method to obtain the tiling? If yes, how do they relate to each other?

  3. Penrose tilings contain every finite patch infinitely many times in every tiling. Does something similar hold for the tiling(s) with the hat tile?

I could imagine that these things are simply not known yet, but I might simply have overlooked something or lack some "known" general facts.

EDIT (2023-06-07):


Concerning point 2/3, I mean the fact discussed e.g. in this question: uncountable number of Penrose tiling

The general statement in this answer makes it look to me (if the statement is correct) that the answer should be probably yes(?), if the answer to question 3. is yes, because this would make the required assumption(s) true (repetitive).

  • $\begingroup$ Look at the tiling in blue, lite blue and white with the hat tile in the following article (link below). And look at the comments by Epsi Farik. The tiling in the article can be transformed into the aperiodic tiling of 3D blocks. However, Epsi Farik did not explain how to go from one tiling to his. $\endgroup$
    – user25406
    Commented Mar 8 at 21:38
  • $\begingroup$ (continue) In fact the article you mentioned in arxiv provides the explanation in Fig 2.3 on how to go from one tiling to another. Link: quantamagazine.org/… $\endgroup$
    – user25406
    Commented Mar 8 at 21:47
  • $\begingroup$ (continue). In fact the author of the article posted a youtube video (mentioned in the article) that shows how to continuously go from one aperiodic tiling to another. Here's the video: youtube.com/watch?v=W-ECvtIA-5A $\endgroup$
    – user25406
    Commented Mar 8 at 21:53
  • $\begingroup$ I did not mean "shifting the shape of the tiles" as new tilings, but actual different rearrangements of the underlying "abstract tiling" (i.e. which tile is neighbor of which tile). $\endgroup$
    – apirogov
    Commented Apr 12 at 8:09

2 Answers 2


For your question 2: I think there are fundamentally different patterns. E.g. one with 3-fold symmetry, as shown here.

tiling with 3-fold symmetry
Similarly to Fig. 2.2 of the original paper, I have colored the chains of “stacked” hats similarly, which allows to see the structures quite clearly.
Certain ones of the “triangles” and/or “parallelograms” of different sizes can function as metatiles here to define this tiling recursively. (I think one should only consider those which are entirely delimited by 3 chains, without interruptions.)
I have noticed that there are parts of a certain size with a central symmetry, e.g. around the black square mark next to the lower left corner. The recursive definition should imply that in this tiling, there are parts with central symmetry of arbitrary size — but at this point, this is no more than a conjecture. (And of course, it should be easy to build a different tiling which has central symmetry altogether. Likewise, a still different tiling with 3-fold symmetry around a “triangle” of six gray hats, like the one just to the right of the black square mark.)

The fact that there are parts with central symmetry of arbitrary size should also hold for the pattern built with the “default” substitution rules as shown below. Note the slightly descending blue/black line of infinite length in both directions.
“default” construction It would be interesting to find out whether the percentage of (complete) “triangles” and “parallelograms” of a given size is the same for both tilings. A priori, it seems smaller in the tiling with 3-fold symmetry than in this one...

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks a lot for your answer, that's really interesting! I wonder if eventually someone will find a way to classify categories of possible distinct tilings with certain symmetry / structural patterns, or a set of properties all tilings share. For the Spectre, if I understood correctly, all tilings can be decomposed in the hexagonal metatiles that are described in the paper, and each finite patch of hexagonal metatiles can be blown up to tile the plane aperoodically by recursively blowing them up. But maybe I got something wrong. $\endgroup$
    – apirogov
    Commented Aug 1 at 19:06
  • $\begingroup$ @apirogov yes for the representation as hexagonal tiles, but "each finite patch of hexagonal metatiles..." - there are a lot of constraints for those hexagonal metatiles. If you start with a (valid) patch of colored hexagons as in the rightmost picture of Fig 2.2, I think you can predict which ones are the "merged" ones and so apply the appropriate substitutions, guessing that's what you mean by "recursively blowing them up". By "valid" I mean that the corresponding hat tiling can be continued to cover the whole plane. $\endgroup$
    – Wolfgang
    Commented Aug 2 at 14:56
  • $\begingroup$ Yeah I understand that the kind of edge matching constraints drastically limits the ways you can tile with the hexagonal meta tiles, and the paper demonstrates this for a specific valid configuration. I read it as "each spectre tiling can be decomposed in disjoint hexagons" and "if you can tile a patch with the hexagons that satisfies all the needed constraints, you can extend this to tile the plane", what I'm not sure about is whether other configurations than the shown pattern can exist. Maybe that's not known. $\endgroup$
    – apirogov
    Commented Aug 3 at 15:25

I'm an utter non-expert, but I'll give a preliminary shot at an answer, or at least a guess.

1. I'm completely in the dark. From the structure of your question I bet the answer is "yes, they produce the same tiling," but I don't have any understanding of the facts. :)

2. "Penrose tilings allow to construct infinitely many different aperiodic tilings." Could you edit your question to explain (or even better, link to an explanation of) precisely what you mean? I think I understand, by analogy to the domino tile: I can make an aperiodic tiling of dominos by tiling the plane with squares and subdividing each square horizontally or vertically at random; or I can make an aperiodic tiling of dominos by starting at a "center" and spiraling outward forever. These two tilings are obviously "different," ergo it's possible to construct two different aperiodic tilings with dominos. You're asserting that it's possible to do the same with Penrose tiles,[citation needed] and asking if it's possible to do the same with hats.

One thing that might help is that it is known that you can tile various finite patches with hats in multiple different ways. For example:

If a patch like this appeared in the known tiling, then you could just "toggle" that patch, leaving everything else the same, and you'd have a different tiling. (Or would you?? Maybe you wouldn't!) But I doubt such a patch does appear anywhere in the known tiling, so, you're out of luck anyway. (I am very confident that the left-hand patch never appears in the known tiling, because it has a four-corners vertex with swastika arms, and I think I proved to myself that four-corners vertices appear only when one of the corners is a mirror-hat and thus never have swastika arms.)

3. You mean "contain every finite patch either zero times or an infinite number of times," right? There are certainly possible patches of hats that don't appear at all in the tiling (e.g. the six-hat example above). I believe the hierarchical structure of the tiling does, rather directly, imply that each patch that appears at least once somewhere, appears infinitely many times everywhere. Point to a patch — I'll hop up to $X$, the unique smallest superx-tile that contains your patch; hop over to one of its neighboring superx-tiles $Y$; and hop back down to the corresponding anatomical location in $Y$ to find an exactly congruent patch.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ It is not the question, but same group has published new results about aperiodic tiling, without reflection (see arxiv.org/pdf/2305.17743.pdf ) $\endgroup$
    – Lourrran
    Commented Jun 6, 2023 at 6:23
  • $\begingroup$ good hint concerning the even newer tile, I also just recently learned about it and wanted to check it out once I have the time :) and @Quuxplusone, I answered in an edit to clarify. $\endgroup$
    – apirogov
    Commented Jun 7, 2023 at 11:58

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