I am working on some quantum mechanics and I would love to find a closed expression for the series $$ S(x,y) = \sum_{l=0}^\infty P_l(x) P_{l+1}(y) $$ $x,y \in \left[ -1, 1\right]$ and also for its multisection $$ S_{qp}(x,y) = \sum_{l=0}^\infty P_{lq+p}(x) P_{lq+p+1}(y) $$ where $q \in \mathbb{N}$, $p \in \mathbb{N}_0$ and $p < q$ and $P_l$ is the $l$-th legendre polynomial.
The first series is a special case of a Hadamard product of two generating functions $F(x,t) \odot G(y,t)$ \begin{align} F(x,t) &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - 2xt + t^2}} = \sum_{l=0}^\infty P_l(x) t^l\\ G(y,t) &= \frac{1}{t}\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - 2yt + t^2}} - 1 \right)= \sum_{l=0}^\infty P_{l+1}(y) t^l \; \text{.} \end{align} for $t=1$. Having the generating function for $F(x,t) \odot G(y,t)$ we would also have the multisection generating function, as shown here.
There is a way to compute the Hadamard product via an integral but I am not sure how (and whether) I can use this formula because it probably works only for $F$, $G$ being rational functions (a proof is here Derivation of the termwise Hadamard product of two generating functions.). I think the integral diverges in general.
I did some numerical calculations and it seems the expression shouldn't be so complicated. On Figure 1 is $S(x,y)$ with $x=1/2$ and $y$ being the $x$ axis. As $x$ moves, the point of discontinuity shifts, it is always at $y=x$.
Any ideas?
f[x_, y_, nmax_] := Sum[LegendreP[n, x]*LegendreP[n + 1, y], {n, 0, nmax}] Plot3D[f[x, y, 600], {x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, 1}]
produced the following images: 1 2 3. While I think the bends at $(-1,1),(1,-1)$ are truncation artifacts, I'm not so sure the same is true at $(-1,-1),(1,1)$ $\endgroup$