The Question
I'd like to prove that a function $V$ (like in reinforcement learning) is optimal iff it satisfies the Bellman equation. A lot of places online reference this fact, but none prove it.
Formal definitions
In reinforcement learning, a value function $V$ is used to derive a policy: $$\pi_{V}\left(a\mid s\right)=\begin{cases} 1 & a=\underset{a'}{\mathrm{argmax}}Q^{V}\left(s,a\right)\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}$$ where $$Q^{V}\left(s,a\right)=r\left(s,a\right)+\gamma\underset{s'\sim p\left(s'\mid s,a\right)}{\mathbb{E}}\left[V\left(s'\right)\right]$$ (here $r$ is the reward function and $p$ is the transition probability from a state to another based on the action)
A policy $\pi^\star$ is called optimal if $$\pi^{\star}=\underset{\pi}{\mathrm{argmax}}\mathbb{E}_{\pi}\left[\sum_{t=0}^{\infty}\gamma^{t}\cdot r\left(s_{t},a_{t}\right)\mid s_{0}=s\right]$$ where $s$ is the initial state, and the expectation is over the transition probability under the assumption of following the policy $p$.
We also say that $V$ is optimal if $\pi_{V}$ is optimal.
The Theorem I want to prove is that a function $V^\star$ is optimal if and only if it satisfies the Bellman equation: