As Deane pointed out the formula in
MathWorld looks wrong.
They use the following derivation
\frac{\partial^2A_{\mu\nu}}{\partial x^\lambda\partial x^\kappa}
\frac{\partial A_{\color{red}{\mu\nu}}}{\partial x^\lambda}\tag{2}\\
where $A_{\mu\nu\,;\,\lambda}$ is the covariant derivative, $g_{\mu\nu}$ is the
metric tensor, $g$ its determinant and $A_{\mu\nu\,,\,\kappa}$ is the ordinary partial derivative.
The term (2) has obvious errors that I highlighted in red. Summation
convention doubles indices and does not triple them, and the indices
$\mu\nu$ cannot be summed away completely.
Even if we try a fix with some dummy indices
\frac{\partial A_{\color{green}{\mu\nu}}}{\partial x^\lambda}\tag{2'}
it looks not convincing as I will show below.
whole derivation and the formula (5) are highly questionable.
A correct derivation should start as follows and it will soon become clear that
things are not simple:
Since the Christoffel connection is metric compatible we have ${g ^{\lambda\kappa}}_{;\,\alpha}=0$ so that
$g^{\lambda\kappa}$ can be pulled out of a covariant derivative as if it were a constant. This leads to
Plugging in the three terms for each covariant derivative of $A_{\alpha\beta}$
from (A) leads to
a total of, I believe, fourteen terms which contain partial derivatives of Christoffel symbols
because the product rule needs to be applied on (*) and (**).