I'm trying to find all intermediate fields $\mathbb{Q} \subset E \subset \mathbb{Q}(\zeta_{16})$ and in particular, the polynomial that each of these fields split. I know that $\text{Gal}(\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_{16})/\mathbb{Q}) \simeq (\mathbb{Z}/16\mathbb{Z})^*$ where $r \in (\mathbb{Z}/16\mathbb{Z})^*$ corresponds to the automorphism $\zeta_{16} \mapsto \zeta_{16}^r$. I've listed all the distinct, proper, non-trivial subgroups:
- $\langle 7 \rangle = \{1,7\}$
- $\langle 9 \rangle = \{1,9\}$
- $\langle 15 \rangle = \{1,15\}$
- $\langle 3 \rangle = \{1,3,9,11\}$
- $\langle 5 \rangle = \langle 13 \rangle = \{1,5,9,13\}$
- $\langle 11 \rangle = \{1,11,15,5\}$
- $\{1,7,9,15\} \simeq K_4$
The corresponding fixed fields is just a linear combination of powers of $\zeta_{16}$ given by elements of the subgroup. For example, the fixed field of $\langle 3 \rangle$ is $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_{16} + \zeta_{16}^3 + \zeta_{16}^9 + \zeta_{16}^{11})$.
My main question is how to find the minimal polynomial that each of the intermediate fields split. I know the direct way is to compute powers and find a way to get them to add to 0 using the relation that $1 + \zeta_{16} + \zeta_{16}^2 +\cdots \zeta_{16}^{15} = 0$. This method is fine for smaller roots of unity like $\zeta_7$ and $\zeta_8$ as I've learned. However, an element like $\zeta_{16} + \zeta_{16}^3 + \zeta_{16}^9 + \zeta_{16}^{11}$ is cumbersome to work with, and I haven't been successful in finding some combination of powers that ultimately cancel.