This question is a rewording of the Matching Pennies problem (Question 23) in Frederick Mosteller's "Fifty Challenging Problems in Probability". Here is my rewording:
Suppose to people play a game where they toss a coin N times. If it is a Heads, then Player A gets one point, if it's a Tails, then Player B gets a point.
What is the probability that in a series of N turns, there is never a tie?
Partial Work
There are a few things to do to simplify the problem:
1 - The probability that Player A wins without there ever being a tie, call it $P(W_{AN})$ is the same as probability that Player B wins without there ever being a tie, $P(W_{BN})$. A heads is equally as likely as a tails. So we can just focus on $P(W_{AN})$, and double it.
2 - If $N$ is even, then adding a new toss does not change the probability. Why? If we were tied at $N$, then $P(W_{A(N+1)})$ remains the same as $P(W_{AN})$. If we were not tied, then Player 1 must be ahead by at least two tosses (because it's even), so adding one more toss doesn't change the outcome.
Where I'm Stuck
This leaves us with finding the formula for $P(W_{AN})$ when N is odd... I can't quite wrap my head around how to think about this. The solution mentions some very tersely explained answer about binomial coefficients. But the thing is... It's not as simple as that.
I tried to step back and think: If Player A wins in N tosses with no ties, then number of wins for Player A must be at least (N/2 + 0.5), in order to make it simpler, I'll use the solutions notation and work with "small n", where: $n = \frac{N}{2}+\frac{1}{2}$ or: $N = 2n-1$.
Now we just need to know $P(W_{AN})$ given Player A got $x \in [n, N]$ tosses.
The problem of course here, is that the ordering of the tosses matters. And this is where I'm stuck.
Solving a different problem to help
Let's say I'm answering the simpler question: What is the probability in N tosses, that we get at least N/2 heads? This is equivalent to winning in the question above, but we ignore ordering.
For 5 Tosses for example, the probability that Player A wins, using the above, in combination with binomial distribution pmf is:
$$ P(W_{A5}) = {5\choose5} \frac{1}{2}^5 + {5\choose4} \frac{1}{2}^5 + {5\choose3} \frac{1}{2}^5 = \frac{1}{2}^5 \times \left[\ {5\choose5} + {5\choose4} + {5\choose3} \ \right] $$
So I'm lost as to how to connect the two... clearly ordering matters.. but how?
Any help on how to solve this logically would be appreciated.
I've seen a lot of answers referencing math theorems like Catalan Numbers and such, but I don't know what those are and it seems unlikely that this question depended on that knowledge given the solution.