To really understand how to avoid arriving at an incorrect conclusion, it is important to consider not just the extrema of the interval that $\sin x$ maps to, but also the intermediate values that are possible. To do this, observe
$$-1 \le \sin x \le 1 \tag{1}$$ implies $$5 \ge -5 \sin x \ge -5. \tag{2}$$ (Recall that multiplying an inequality by a negative number reverses the direction of the inequality.) Hence $$4 + 5 \ge 4 - 5 \sin x \ge 4 - 5$$ or equivalently $$9 \ge 4 - 5 \sin x \ge -1. \tag{3}$$ Now, here is where the mistake is made: if you took reciprocals of this inequality, you might think it will look like this:
$$\frac{1}{9} \le \frac{1}{4 - 5 \sin x} \le -1.$$ Again, remember that taking reciprocals, like negation, will reverse the direction of the inequality. But this inequality does not make any sense because $1/9 > -1$. In the previous step $(3)$, clearly the choice $x = 0$ would give us a valid result, $9 \ge 4 \ge -1$. But after taking reciprocals, $1/9 \le 1/4$ is still true, but $1/4 \le -1$ is false. A piece of reasoning is missing.
The missing piece is that the inequality $(3)$ contains $0$. If I had written $$9 \ge y \ge -1,$$ then $y = 0$ is a valid solution to this inequality; however, upon taking reciprocals, $1/y$ is not defined when $y = 0$. So this is the first hint. The second hint is that if $y$ is negative, say $y = -1/2$, then taking reciprocals gives us $9 \le -2 \le -1$ which is true on the right-hand side but not the left. So what we need to do here is split the compound inequality $(3)$ into separate inequalities according to whether the middle term is positive or negative (zero is not allowed):
$$9 \ge 4 - 5 \sin x > 0, \quad {\bf\text{or}} \quad 0 > 4 - 5 \sin x \ge -1. \tag{4}$$ Now that we have done this, taking reciprocals of each will no longer result in a contradiction:
$$\frac{1}{9} \le \frac{1}{4 - 5 \sin x} < \infty, \quad \text{or} \quad -\infty < \frac{1}{4 - 5 \sin x} \le -1. \tag{5}$$ Now we multiply by $3$ and drop the infinities (because they are implied) to get
$$\frac{1}{3} \le \frac{3}{4 - 5 \sin x}, \quad \text{or} \quad \frac{3}{4 - 5 \sin x} \le -3. \tag{6}$$ This gives us the desired range of the function.