$\newcommand{\M}{\mathscr{M}}\newcommand{\I}{\mathcal{I}}\newcommand{\J}{\mathcal{J}}$The context: the following is claimed in J. May and Ponto's "more concise algebraic topology".
We have some model category $\M$ which is generated by arrow classes $\I,\J$. For any $B\in\M$, the undercategory $B/\M$ has a model structure generated by the classes $B/\I,B/\J$ which are defined to be the classes of all arrows in the image $((-)\sqcup B)(\I,\J)$ respectively. Here, $(-)\sqcup B:\M\to B/\M$ is the left adjoint to the forgetful $U:B/\M\to\M$.
May and Ponto want to demonstrate that when $\M$ is compactly or cofibrantly generated, then so is $B/\M$. To do so, they claims that, when $B$ is an $\I,\J$-cell complex, then relative $B/\I,B/\J$-cell complexes in $B/\M$ descend (via $U$) to relative $\I,\J$-cell complexes in $\M$.
I don't see why the assumption that $B$ is a cell complex is needed.
First of all, by some set theoretic shenanigans I can take all my relative cell complexes to be simple. I also only need to show the result for, say, $\J$. A $B/\J$-relative cell complex will look like some transfinite sequence $(X_\alpha)_{\alpha<\lambda}$ where $X_{\alpha+1}$ is obtained from $X_\alpha$ as a pushout (in $B/\M$) of some $C\sqcup B\overset{j\sqcup1}{\longleftarrow}A\sqcup B\to X_\alpha$ (again, a diagram in $B/\M$) where $j:A\to C$ is an arrow in $\J$. This pushout may as well be computed in $\M$, however. Colimits in an over category are computed in $\M$.
But it's easy to check $A\hookrightarrow A\sqcup B\to C\sqcup B,\,A\to C\hookrightarrow C\sqcup B$ defines a pushout square. We can compose pushout squares to find a pushout square $A\to X_{\alpha}\to X_{\alpha+1},A\to C\to X_{\alpha+1}$. Since the left leg of this square is an arrow in $\J$, continuing in this way finds $X_\ast$ as a $\J$-relative cell complex. The "middle man" $B$ can be omitted entirely.
Am I mistaken, or are the authors?