I was trying to prove the claim that: Given locally Noetherian scheme $X$, the stalks at embedded points are non-reduced. (where embedded points means those associated point that not coming from generic point of the irreducible component of $X$).
There is a proof goes as follows: given an embedded point $p$, since we try to prove the stalk is a non reduced ring, we can assume we are working with affine scheme $\text{Spec} A$, however the solution in the link also assume that $\text{Spec} A$ is irreducible. That's my question, why we can assume it's irreducible? (does this means scheme $X$ is covered by affine irreducible subset?)
After assuming that, then $\text{Spec} A$ has a unique generic point the nilradical ${\frak{N}}(A)$. Since $p$ is an embedded point its closure is some irreducible component of $\text{supp }a$ for some $a\in A$. then we can prove $a\in {\frak{N}}(A)$ (you can find the detail of this step in the linked question). therefore $A_p$ is non-reduced.
The question is why we can assume the space is irreducible $\text{Spec } A$?