I'm trying to estimate the region of attraction of the following system: $$ \begin{gathered} \dot{x}_1 = \sin(x_2) \\ \dot{x}_2 = -x_1 - \sin(x_2). \end{gathered} $$
From Khalil, I know that if I define V as follows: $$ V(x) = x^TPx, $$ where $P$ is the solution of $$ PA+A^TP=-I, $$ will yield the best results for an estimate. The unique equilibrium point of the system is in the origin, and it is asymptotically stable. Linearizing around the origin, I obtain the following: $$A = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ -1 & -1\\ \end{bmatrix} \text{ and } P = \begin{bmatrix} 3/2 & 1/2 \\ 1/2 & 1\\ \end{bmatrix} .$$From which $$ V(x) = (3x_1^2)/2 + (x_1x_2) + x_2^2 $$ taking its derivative and substituting the initial system: $$ \dot{V}(x) = -sin(x_2)(x_2-2x_1) - x_1^2 - 2x_1x_2 $$ Introducing the following relations: $$ |x_1|\leq\|x\|, \quad |x_1x_2|\leq\frac{1}{2}\|x\|^2, \quad |x_2 - 2x_1|\leq\sqrt5\|x\|, \quad |sinx|\leq1 $$ It is possible to write: $$ \dot{V}(x) \leq-\sqrt5\|x\| - 2\|x\|^2 $$ This expression is less than $0$ only for: $$ \|x\|\leq-\sqrt5/2 \ \text{ and } \ \|x\|\geq0 $$ The first one is clearly impossible because the $\|x\|$ is always positive. If I choose the second one, I should select $r = 0$, and so the region of attraction should be null too because from Khalil: $$ V(x) < c = \lambda_{min}(P)*r^2 $$ This sound quite strange to me because the origin is asymptotically stable, so the region of attraction should be not null. Any help or suggestions are highly appreciated.