Say I have a collection of points $x_i$ that define the surface of a fully general ellipsoid in three dimensions, except let's assume that ellipsoid is centered at the origin. I know that the ellipsoid can be represented by
$$ v^T A v = 1 $$
where $v=[x\ y\ z]^T$ and $A$ is a matrix formed from the coefficients of the quadric representation of the ellipsoid. The Cholesky decomposition gives a matrix $L$ such that
$$ A = LL^T $$
I read and believe that I can transform my points onto the unit sphere by
$$ y_i = Lx_i $$
I am struggling to understand why this should be the case, and haven't managed to find a good explanation as to why this works.
If an intuitive geometric interpretation exists, that would be particularly valuable. The problem at hand is sensor calibration. I have written a working C++ function to calibrate noisy sensor data, but I made the classic blunder of not properly recording my reference material when I first wrote it, and now I can't find it again. I have found many papers following a very similar approach but everything I've found treats this step as obvious. I'm now trying to document this in a way that can be understood by other software engineers.
My own background is in mathematical physics, so if an intuitive geometric interpretation does not exist, a more formal treatment is fine.