I am getting confused with how to find the order of local truncation error and order of method. I solved a multistep ODE method and my local truncation error is coming out to be:
$$local truncation error =-\frac{y^{(5)}(t_i)h^5}{16}+{O(h^6)}$$ If my local truncation error is coming out as above, then what should be my order of method and order of local truncation. Thank you for great help.
Edit I am editing the question to make it more general. It is not specific to any ODE method.I found one solved example in the book where is calculates the order of multistep method. Reading through, it gives a hint that order of local truncation error is one more than order of method. My question is this can this rule be applied to all multistep ODE methods to find order and the order of local truncation error is 1 more than order of method? Thank you for great help.
Book - Numerical Analysis: Mathematics of Scientific Computing By Kincaid and Cheney, 3rd edition