Let $G$ be an abelian group and for $i=1...k, \chi_{i}$ are the characters of the irreducible representations of $G$. Denote by $G'$ the group of these characters with operation being pointwise multiplication.
Let $\chi$ be a character of a representation $\alpha$ of $G$ s.t. $\chi = m_{1}\chi_{1}+...m_{k}\chi_{k}$ where the $m_{i}'s$ are nonnegative integers. Let $S=$ {$\chi_{i} | m_{i}>0$}.
In a paper I'm reading, there is a sentence unclear to me. It goes:
$\alpha$ is faithful if and only if $S$ generates $G'$.
I suppose if $\alpha$ is faithful, then the intersection of the kernels of the $\chi_{i}'s$ in $S$ is trivial, and then...? I'm trying to get closer to the fact that the intersection of the elements of $G'$ is trivial...
Any help would be appreciated.