$\DeclareMathOperator{\curl}{curl}$Let $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^2$ be bounded lipschitz domain, $x_0\in\Omega$ a fixed point and denote by $D(x_0,R)$ the disk centered at $x_0$ with radius $R>0$.
Define the Hilbert space $$ H(\curl,\Omega)=\left\{\mathbf u\in (L^2(\Omega))^2;\ \curl \mathbf u :=\frac{\partial u_2}{\partial x_1}-\frac{\partial u_1}{\partial x_2}\in L^2(\Omega)\right\}. $$ Let $A$ denote a bounded linear operator from $H(\curl,\Omega)$ to itself and $f\in \mathscr{C}^{\infty}(\Omega)$ supported on $D(x_0,R)$.
I want to find a constant $C$ that depend on $f$ such that we have $$ \|fA\|_{\mathscr{L}(H(\curl,\Omega))}\leq C \|A\|_{\mathscr{L}(H(\curl,\Omega))}. $$ What I do is the following: for $\mathbf u\in H(\curl,\Omega)$ such that $\|\mathbf u\|_{H(\curl,\Omega)}\leq 1$ we have $$ \|(fA)\mathbf u\|^2_{H(\curl,\Omega)}=\|(fA)\mathbf u\|^2_{(L^2(\Omega))^2}+\|\curl((fA)\mathbf u)\|^2_{L^2(\Omega)} $$ We then obtain for the first norm: $$ \|(fA)\mathbf u\|_{(L^2(\Omega))^2}\leq \sup_{x\in D(x_0,R)} |f(x)| \|Au\|_{(L^2(\Omega))^2}. $$ But, I did not find a way to treat the second norm.