Recently, I have been reading about differentiating matrix-valued functions. I read that when finding the directional derivative of an inverse matrix, it is easiest to do this with the identity matrix (i.e., differentiate $AA^{-1}=I_n$ and use an analogue of the product rule to rearrange for the derivative of the inverse of $A$). I have tried this on some examples from other problems that I have attempted, and want to know if my understanding here is correct.
Evaluate and simplify: $$\frac{d}{dt} \left( (P+tQ)^{-1} \right)$$ at $t=0$, where the matrix $P$ is invertible.
My understanding here would be to consider:
$$(P+tQ)(P+tQ)^{-1} = I_n$$
If we differentiate both sides of this, then the derivative of the identity matrix will be the zero matrix, and on the left hand side we apply the product rule. By rearrangement for the derivative of $(P+tQ)^{-1}$, I have got that this derivative is equal to:
Is this approach correct or can this be further simplified (or have I made a mistake up to this point?). I would be grateful for any feedback.