First, I propose a different derivation of the answer $4^{10}-4$ that goes into the direction of your way of thinking.
Let us say that we distribute the first 9 objects.
There are $4^9$ ways to do so. In all those cases except 4, i.e.
$4^9-4$, each person received at most 8 objects, so we can safely
distribute the last one as we prefer, so in 4 different ways.
We get a total of $(4^9-4)\cdot4$ total ways of distributing the
We are left with the 4 cases in which someone already received
9 objects.
In these 4 cases, we can distribute the remaining object to a
different person, so in 3 different ways.
The total is thus:
$ (4^9-4)\cdot 4 + 4\cdot 3 , $ which is equal to $4^{10}-4$.
Then, your proposal is to start by removing one of the 10 objects, not necessarily the last one, say the $n$th. You have 10 different ways of doing so.
Then, for each $n$, we follow the reasoning above and we get $4^{10}-4$ different ways. But you get all the different ways of distributing for each $n$, so you do not have to multiply times 10.