To avoid using comments, to heavily, I add my views in an answer.
Q1) I am ok with already, twice, given answers.
Q2) I am in agreement with true blue anil. Although I failed to find his elegant way of modeling it, my inelegant reasoning lead to the same result. And so did the monte-carlo simulation I ran.
Q3) I understand the question as "you already know that 2 of A,B,C are in different group. What is the probability that all 3 are in different group".
So, calling $k$ the number of groups among which A,B and C are distributed
P[k=3 | k\geq 2] = \frac{P[k=3\mbox{ and } k\geq 2]}{P[k\geq 2]}
Here, since there is no cases where all 3 of A,B,C are in different groups, but we can't find 2 of them that are in different groups (in other words, where $k=3$ but $k<2$), the computation simplify a little bit
P[k=3 | k\geq 2] = \frac{P[k=3]}{P[k\geq2]}
@trueblueanil already computed $P[k=3] = \frac{16×12}{19×18}$
We just need to compute $P[k\geq2]$. In fact, we don't really need to (and that a virtue of writing a proper answer, because I only see that now. I wasn't seeing it while arguing in comments). Because we know that k has to be either 1, 2 or 3. And we know $P[k=1]$. That is the answer to Q1.
P[k=1] = \frac{3×2}{19×18}
P[k\geq 2] = 1-P[k=1] = 1-\frac{3x2}{19×18} = \frac{19×18-3×2}{19×18}
So, answer to Q3 is
P[k=3 | k\geq 2] = \frac{P[k=3]}{P[k\geq 2]} = \frac{ \frac{16×12}{19×18} }{ \frac{19×18-3×2}{19×18} } = \frac{16×12}{19×18-3×2}
Since $19×18-3×2 = 16×18+3×16 = 336
we are back to what I said in comments. Except that this time, I am pretty sure that this is the way it was intended by the teacher. Q3 answer is just a combination of Q1 and Q2. Classic teacher trick (being one myself...).
All we had to do to answer Q3 was $\frac{\mbox{answer to q2}}{1-\mbox{answer to q1}}$
My initial reasoning was, from true blue anil slot system:
arbitrarily choosing to place A in the first slot (we can do so. It is just a naming choice), we have $16$ ways to place B, and $12$ ways to place C to have all 3 in different groups. And to enumerate slots positioning leading to at least 2 of A,B,C in different groups, either:
- B is in a different group than A (16 slots for B) and then C can be in any other slot
- B is in the same group as A (3 other slots for B). Not a problem, but then C needs to be in another group (16 slots)
Now, since I mentioned Monte-Carlo, here is my C code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int avail[20]; // Available slots (at first all 20)
int nd=20; // Number of available slots
int ga,gb,gc; // Groups for A, B, and C
// Reset (nobody is placed)
void init(){
// Just for debug, I choose not to name any slot 0. So if there is a 0, we have a bug
// Initially all slots 1,2,3...,20 are available
for(int i=1; i<=20; i++){
nd=20; // That is 20 of them
// A, B, C are placed nowhere
// Choose a person for each slot
void distrib(){
// For all group, for all slot in all group
for(int g=0; g<5; g++){
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
// I choose a person among the nd still available
int p=random()%nd;
// To simplify a bit, I arbitrarily choose to place A (person 1) into 1st slot of 1st group
// This is just a naming choice, so it changes nothing
if((g==0) && (i==0)) {
// If perso 2 (B) is chosen, store group in gb
if(avail[p]==2) gb=g;
// Likewise for (C)
else if(avail[p]==3) gc=g;
// At first I was litteraly distributing number into 5 arrays of 4 slots
// But turns out I never used "group" in the rest of the code, so uneeded
// group[g][i]=disp[p];
// p is not available any more. The last element from avail[0..nd[ takes is place
// and we have one less element in avail[0..nd[
// (Just a fast way to remove an element from an array when we don't care of order)
int main(){
// Monte-Carlo simulation
long long n=0;
long long ndiff=0;
long long nsame=0;
long long nk2=0;
// Reset and redistribution persons
// Total number of cases
// Cases for which all are in the same group
if((gb==ga) && (gc==ga)) nsame++;
// Cases for which all 3 are in different groups
if(ga!=gb && ga!=gc && gb!=gc) {
if(ga!=gb || ga!=gc || gb!=gc) nk2++;
if(n%10000) continue; // Just to avoid having 99% of CPU only for writing result
// Print result
printf("n=%-8lld same=%lld %7.4f%% diff=%lld %7.4f%% cond=%lld/%lld %7.4f%%\r", n, nsame, (100.0*nsame)/n,
ndiff, (100.0*ndiff)/n, ndiff, nk2, (100.0*ndiff)/nk2);
Let me know if you see any reasoning error in this (naive) simulation.
(I know, there are lot of possible simplification. Some of them, just because I missed them. Some others because when I write such Monte-Carlo to check probability I avoid thinking too much, to be sure not to include bias)
But well, that code is fast enough so that I need 64 bits integer to hold number of cases. And it leads to the same result I am defending.